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TITLE I - Name - registered office
Article 1. - An association is established, with headquarters in Gorizia, via Don Bosco 1, which takes the name "Go Tri Team amateur sports association", in short "Go Tri Team asd".

The association complies with the rules and directives of the bodies of the sports system, with particular reference to the provisions of the CONI as well as the Statutes and Regulations of the national sports federations or of the sports promotion body to which the association is affiliated by resolution of the Council. Executive

The change in the registered office does not entail a change in the articles of association.

TITLE II - Purpose - Object
Article 2. - The association aims to:
a) promote, develop and organize amateur sports activities, in particular in disciplines such as, by way of example but not limited to, Triathlon, Duathlon, Aquathlon, Orienteering, Athletics, Swimming, Cycling with particular attention to the youth sphere;

b) to promote didactic activities for the initiation, updating and improvement of sports activities;
c) organize sports events directly or collaborate with other subjects for their realization;

d) organize sports teams for participation in championships, competitions, competitions, events and initiatives of various sports disciplines
e) manage facilities, own or of third parties, used as gyms, fields and sports facilities;
f) organize sporting, recreational and cultural activities in favor of a better use of the free time of members;

g) the association is not for profit.

TITLE III - Members

Article 3. - The association is composed of the members:

  • Founders

  • Fees

  • Ordinary

The founding members are those who formed the association, forming the board of directors.

Honorary members are appointed by the shareholders' meeting on the proposal of the Board of Directors for special merits acquired towards the association.

Ordinary members are those who adhere to the association and annually pay the fee that the Board of Directors resolves at the beginning of the social year.

The number of members is unlimited. Physical persons who share its aims and who undertake to achieve them can be members of the Association.

Article 4 - Anyone wishing to be admitted as an ordinary member must apply to the Board of Directors, undertaking to abide by this statute and to observe any regulations and resolutions adopted by the bodies of the Association. This request must be unquestionably approved by the Board of Directors by a majority. Upon acceptance of the request by the Association, the applicant will acquire the status of member for all purposes. In any case, the temporary nature of participation in associative life is excluded.

Article 5. -

The rules on the internal organization are inspired by the principles of democracy and equal rights of all members

The qualification of member gives the right:
- to participate in all the activities promoted by the Association;

- to collaborate in the realization of the associative purposes both in terms of programming and of actual realization;
- to participate in the life of the association, by expressing their vote in the appointed offices, also in order to approve and modify the rules of the Statute and any regulations;
- to enjoy active and passive electorate for the elections of the governing bodies.

- duty to observe the Statute, any Regulations approved by the Shareholders' Meeting and the resolutions passed by the corporate bodies;

Article 6. - Members are required to pay the established annual membership fee.
This fee must be determined annually for the following year by resolution of the Board of Directors and in any case can never be returned. The membership fees or contributions are non-transferable and cannot be revalued.

TITLE IV - Withdrawal - Exclusion
Article 7. - The status of member is lost:

to. for resignations to be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors.
b. by exclusion, resolved by the Board of Directors against the member who does not comply with the provisions of this statute, the regulations and the resolutions adopted by the bodies of the Association or who is in default of the payment of the annual contribution beyond three months from the beginning of the exercise or which carries out or attempts to carry out activities contrary to the interests of the Association or which, in any way, cause damage, including moral, to the Association.

Article 8. - Resolutions taken regarding exclusion must be communicated to the recipient shareholders by registered letter or email.
The shareholder has 15 days from receipt of the communication to request the convening of the meeting in order to contest the charges underlying the exclusion measure. The exclusion becomes operative with the annotation of the provision in the shareholders' register, which occurs after 20 days from the dispatch of the provision or following the resolution of the Assembly that has ratified the expulsion provision adopted by the Board of Directors.

TITLE V - Economic resources - Common Fund
Article 9. - The association draws the resources for its operation and for the performance of its activities from:
a) membership fees and contributions;
b) fees and contributions relating to the organization of sporting events;

c) contributions from the EU, the state, regions, bodies or public institutions;

d) proceeds from the sale of goods and services to associates and third parties, also through the performance of economic activities of a commercial nature, carried out in an auxiliary and subsidiary manner and aimed at achieving institutional objectives;
f) income deriving from promotional initiatives aimed at its own financing, such as parties and subscriptions including prizes;
The common fund, constituted - by way of example and not limited to - by management surpluses, funds, reserves and all assets acquired for any reason by the Association, can never be divided among the members during the life of the association or upon of its dissolution. It is forbidden to distribute, even indirectly, profits or operating surpluses, as well as funds, reserves or capital unless the destination or distribution is required by law. In any case, any operating surplus will be compulsorily reinvested in favor of the statutory activities.
Article 10. - The financial year runs from 01/01 to 31/12 of each year. The Board of Directors must prepare the economic and financial report to be presented to the Assembly. The economic and financial statement must be approved by the Shareholders' Meeting within four months of the end of the financial year.

TITLE VI - Bodies of the Association

Article 11. - The bodies of the Association are:

a) the Shareholders' Meeting;
b) the Board of Directors;
c) the President;
d) the Board of Auditors (if elected).
The Assembly - Article 12. - The shareholders' assembly is sovereign. The assemblies are ordinary and extraordinary. Their convocation must be made by means of a notice to be posted in the premises of the registered office and by a written invitation to be sent to the shareholders by ordinary mail, electronic mail, WhatsApp, at least twenty days before the meeting, containing the agenda, place, date and the time of the first and second call.
Article 13. - The ordinary shareholders' meeting:

a) approves the economic and financial report;
b) proceeds with the election of the members of the Board of Directors;
c) deliberates on all other objects pertaining to the management of the Association reserved for its competence by this Statute or submitted to its examination by the CD;
d) approves any regulations.
It takes place at least once a year within the four months following the end of the financial year.
The assembly also meets as many times as the Board of Directors deems it necessary or if requested in writing, with indication of the subjects to be dealt with or by at least three quarters (3/4) of the members. In the latter cases, the meeting must take place within thirty days from the date of the request. The minutes of each meeting must be drawn up, signed by the President, the Secretary and the two scrutineers appointed from among the shareholders to check the votes.
Article 14 - In the meetings - ordinary and extraordinary - members of legal age have the right to vote as long as they have been up to date with the payment of the membership fee for at least three months, according to the principle of single vote. Each shareholder may represent no more than one associate in the meeting by means of a written proxy.

On first call the assembly - ordinary and extraordinary - is duly constituted when half plus one of the members with the right are present or represented.
On second call, at least one hour after the first call, the ordinary and extraordinary assembly is regularly constituted regardless of the number of members attending or represented.

The resolutions of the ordinary shareholders' meetings are valid, with an absolute majority of votes, on all items on the agenda.
Article 15. - The resolutions of the assemblies are valid, for statutory changes in the presence of three quarters (3/4) of the members and with the vote of the majority of those present, for the resolution of dissolution of the Association with the favorable vote of at least three quarters (3/4) of the members.
Article 16. - The assembly is chaired by the President of the Association and in his absence by the Vice President or by the person designated by the assembly itself. The appointment of the Secretary is made by the Chairman of the meeting.

The Board of Directors - Article 17. - The Association is governed by a CD, consisting of a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 9 members but in an odd number chosen from among the members of age and elected by secret ballot by the Assembly in relation to which there are no causes of incompatibility provided for by the sports regulations in taking up the post. The members of the Board remain in office for 2 years and can be re-elected.

The administrators cannot hold the same office in other sports clubs and associations within the same sports federation or associated discipline or in the same discipline belonging to a sports promotion body.

The Board elects the President, the Vice President and the Secretary from among its members

The Board of Directors is convened by the President every time there is a matter on which to deliberate, or when a request is made by at least 1/3 of the members.
The convocation is made by e-mail no less than eight days before the meeting. The sessions are valid when the majority of the members attend, or, in the absence of an official convocation, even if all its members are present.

Resolutions are taken by an absolute majority of those present. In the event of a tie in the number of votes, the vote of the President prevails.
The Board of Directors is invested with the widest powers for the management of the Association. Therefore, among other things, by way of example, the Board is responsible for:

  • a) oversee the execution of the shareholders' resolutions;

  • b) draw up the economic and financial report

  • c) prepare internal regulations;

  • d) to stipulate all the deeds and contracts inherent to the company activity;

  • e) decide on the admission and exclusion of members;

  • g) to appoint the heads of the work commissions and of the sectors of activity in which the life of the Association is divided;

  • h) carry out all acts and operations for the correct administration of the Association;

  • i) to entrust, with a specific resolution, special powers to its members;

  • l) administer the associative assets.

Substantial publicity and transparency is ensured for all acts relating to the activity of the Association, and with particular reference to the Annual Reports or Reports. These corporate documents, kept at the registered office, must be made available to the shareholders for consultation. The shareholders will in any case have the right to request the exhibition or copy of these documents if kept in a place other than the registered office.

Article 18. - In the event that, due to resignation or other causes, one or more of the members of the Council decay from office, the Governing Council can replace them by appointing the first among the non-elected, who remain in office until the expiry of the entire Council. If more than half of the members of the Council expire, the Assembly must provide for the election of a new Council.

President - Article 19. - The President has the legal representation and signature of the Association. The President is autonomously assigned the power of ordinary administration and, following a resolution of the Board of Directors, the power of extraordinary administration. In case of absence, or impediment, his duties are exercised by the Vice President. In case of resignation, it is up to the Vice President to convene the shareholders' meeting within 30 days for the election of the new President.

TITLE VII - Dissolution
Article 20. - The dissolution of the Association can be deliberated by the Assembly with the favorable vote of at least three quarters of the members with the right to vote.
In the event of dissolution of the Association, a liquidator will be appointed, also chosen from among non-members. Having experienced the liquidation of all movable and immovable property, the existing obligations having been extinguished, all residual assets will be devolved to Bodies or Associations that pursue the promotion and development of sporting activity, and in any case for purposes of social utility, once the opinion has been acquired required by article 148, paragraph 8 lett. b) of the Consolidated Income Tax Act and having heard the control body referred to in article 3, paragraph 190, of Law no. 662.
Article 21. - Although not expressly contemplated by this statute, the rules of the Civil Code, the provisions of the law in force and the provisions of the sports system are valid as applicable.

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